Huntington Beach Divorce Mediation Lawyer
Few things in life can be as emotionally charged and contentious as divorce. When two people choose to end their marriage, there are a number of issues that may need to be resolved, including the way they will divide their marital assets, spousal support, child support and child custody. When divorcing couples are unable to reach an agreement about how these issues will be resolved, a court has to do it for them – a process that can be expensive and time-consuming and can result in neither party feeling like they got what they wanted. A divorce mediation attorney can make all the difference.
Fortunately, in many family law cases, mediation can help couples resolve their differences in a structured environment, allowing them to avoid litigation. To learn more, contact Furubotten Law, APC, today to schedule a free consultation with a divorce mediation lawyer in Huntington Beach.
What Is Divorce Mediation?
Divorce mediation is an alternative to traditional divorce proceedings that often results in a less expensive, faster and less contentious process for both parties.
In divorce mediation, the two divorcing spouses agree to meet with a neutral third party – the divorce mediator – who will facilitate discussions regarding the terms of the divorce. During mediation, each party has a chance to speak privately with the divorce mediator about their goals and needs for the outcome of the divorce as well. The mediator will then work with each party to find solutions that work best for all parties involved.
While you can engage in mediation without an attorney, it is highly advisable to have one in your corner.
How Long Can Mediation Take?
Mediation sessions can range from a few hours to several weeks, spread out over multiple sessions. It can all depend on the couple and their circumstances. Huntington Beach divorce mediation attorney Denise Furubotten can work with you to reach a fair agreement and thoroughly address all your concerns. She can also help facilitate productive discussions and work at a pace that meets your needs.
What Are The Benefits Of Divorce Mediation?
Divorce mediation offers several advantages over taking your case to court. Some of the most notable benefits of mediation include:
- Mediation is usually much cheaper than litigation
- Mediation allows both parties to provide input into the resolution, often fostering a better post-divorce relationship
- Mediation allows more control over the outcome than litigation
- Mediation is confidential, allowing couples to keep private details about their finances and personal lives out of the public eye.
The bottom line: Divorce mediation allows you to potentially have more control over the outcome of your case. You can limit some of the surprises that may happen if your case ends up before a judge. When speaking to a divorce mediation attorney about your options, make sure that you understand the pros and cons of the process, as well as what to look for in a mediator. The right divorce mediator can facilitate discussion and help you and your ex-spouse remove some of the barriers that may be currently preventing a resolution.
When Divorce Mediation Wouldn’t Be Appropriate
There are some situations where Divorce mediation may not be an effective way to end your marriage, particularly if:
- There’s a history of domestic violence, abuse or power imbalance between parties.
- Either you or your spouse do not wish to participate.
- You and your spouse can’t communicate effectively.
In such situations, pursuing other legal avenues may be more appropriate. Divorce mediation attorney Denise Furubotten is here to help you determine the best course of action for your unique circumstances. Call her Huntington Beach office today at 714-400-2688 to discuss your options.
Contact The Firm Today To Schedule A Consultation With A Divorce Mediation Attorney
The team at Furubotten Law is committed to helping divorcing couples save time, money and stress through mediation. To schedule a free initial consultation with attorney Denise Furubotten, call 714-400-2688 or reach out online.