Child Custody

Can You Modify Your Custody Agreement?

The process of going through a divorce can be stressful and tolling on your life, given the demands of the process and emotions involved. When you have completed a divorce and custody has been determined, you might be wondering if there is any way you can modify your custody agreement to better suit your changing life. A Huntington Beach custody…

Can Your Child Choose Their Custody Arrangement?

Custody cases can be difficult, as parents might have to put their relationships with their children in the hands of the court. Courts must consider many factors to determine what type of arrangement is in the best interests of the child, and many parents wonder whether the child’s opinion and preference will play a role in the decision. The answer…

Sharing Physical Custody of Your Children

If two parents get divorced or otherwise decide to live apart, they each have the right to see their child and spend physical time with them. In most cases, custody will be split between the parents unless one parent presents the risk of physical or emotional harm to the child. Sharing custody with an ex can be challenging, but it…

Signs of Possible Parental Alienation

Child custody battles can be stressful, especially if one parent tries to gain a wrongful advantage over the other. This might include making false allegations of abuse, harmful lifestyle choices, and more. One particularly concerning tactic is parental alienation. Parental alienation happens when one parent takes steps to turn the child against the other parent. A child in this situation…

Custody Concerns Stemming from COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is difficult for everyone, though it can be particularly concerning for parents who share custody of their children. It can be nerve-racking to send your child to their other parent’s house, though it is important to stick to your custody order as much as you possibly can while still considering the best interests of your child. Stay-at-home…

Do You Need an Attorney to Modify Child Custody?

Child custody an area of law where disputes often arise. When circumstances change, one or both parents may wish to modify a custody agreement following divorce proceedings. All child custody decisions – including those that involve modifying existing child custody or visitation arrangements – are based upon the best interest of the minor child or children. If you are interested…