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Furubotten Law, APC Legal Blog

How Long Does a Divorce Take in Manhattan Beach California?

The decision to get divorced is hard enough, and when it seems to drag on forever, the hurt and associated pain is also extended, and this is not always necessary. While a divorce is an unfortunate experience, it need not be inefficient and time-consuming. With an experienced Manhattan Beach divorce attorney at your side objectively applying the law to your…

Should You File for Divorce Before Your Spouse?

When a marriage has reached the point where divorce is the appropriate course of action, it can be difficult to decide how to begin. If you have decided to divorce your spouse, you may feel a sense of urgency to file first, perhaps due to television and films making you believe that this will provide an advantage. Whether or not…

Can Your Child Choose Their Custody Arrangement?

Custody cases can be difficult, as parents might have to put their relationships with their children in the hands of the court. Courts must consider many factors to determine what type of arrangement is in the best interests of the child, and many parents wonder whether the child’s opinion and preference will play a role in the decision. The answer…

Sharing Physical Custody of Your Children

If two parents get divorced or otherwise decide to live apart, they each have the right to see their child and spend physical time with them. In most cases, custody will be split between the parents unless one parent presents the risk of physical or emotional harm to the child. Sharing custody with an ex can be challenging, but it…

Is Your Spouse Hiding Assets?

There are many things that you might worry about in a divorce – who will get the family home? How will you cover your expenses without your spouse’s income? How will you share time with your children? One thing you might not consider is that your spouse would try to...

Benefits of a Premarital Agreement

Premarital agreements make a lot of people uncomfortable. For many, they think that making plans for a potential breakup of the marriage is the same thing as expecting it to fail. The reality is, however, that premarital agreements can protect everyone’s future and may even make a marriage better. What are Premarital Agreements? Premarital agreements, also known as “prenuptial agreements”…

Signs of Possible Parental Alienation

Child custody battles can be stressful, especially if one parent tries to gain a wrongful advantage over the other. This might include making false allegations of abuse, harmful lifestyle choices, and more. One particularly concerning tactic is parental alienation. Parental alienation happens when one parent takes steps to turn the child against the other parent. A child in this situation…

Divorce Negotiations

When two people decide to get divorced, it is often because they are having trouble agreeing on certain issues in their lives. They then face the conundrum that a divorce can be much easier if spouses can reach agreements on all major issues, including child custody, child support, spousal support, and community property division. The good news is that spouses…

Are You Considering Divorce for 2021?

2020 was a difficult year for most people, whether it was challenging financially, emotionally, or both. Families felt a lot of pressure, and marriages were certainly challenged. If you believe that you cannot resolve the conflict between you and your spouse – or you think your spouse wants to end the marriage – do not hesitate to learn the steps…